LZins-Adams's Media Stream

Global Seal of Biliteracy

Two students speak about what it means to earn a Seal of Biliteracy. The Ohio Seal of Biliteracy requires that a student received a sustained measurement of at least Intermediate High or a score of "4" or higher on the AP World Language and Culture exam. Students who fail to achieve the Ohio Seal of Biliteracy can be recognized through the Global Seal of Biliteracy with a rating of “Functional Fluency.” The Global Seal of Biliteracy can be achieved through similar means, but recognition of "Functional Fluency" can be granted to a student with a demonstrated proficiency of Intermediate Mid or a score of "3" on the AP World Langauge and Culture exam. Students who receive the higher rating will not only get the Ohio Seal of Biliteracy but also the recognition of "Working Fluency" through the Global Seal of Biliteracy program; therefore, double seal recognition will be awarded to these students. Both programs also require that a student receive at least a proficient rating in Language Arts on the ACT or SAT examinations to be deemed "biliterate." Students enrolled in an AP World Language course will now have access to college credit and permanent recognition of their literacy skills. Therefore, those who continue taking a language beyond three years have full access to one on the Seal of Biliteracy. Our vision is to help students recognize the value of their academic success and see the tangible benefits of being bilingual. Recognition of Seal of Biliteracy will permanently appear on the transcript of the graduating senior and is a statement of accomplishment for future employers and college admissions.

Why AP German? Tips on being an AP World Language Student!

Riley Jones and Ben Volk share how they prepared for the AP German Language and Culture exam over a four year period at Moeller. They also share best practices of what one should do and expect in a World Language course that ends with an AP exam.

Classroom 2.0 Mannequin Challenge (German)

German I students complete Mannequin Challenge

The Symposium and Interdisciplinary Themes

As a learning community, we programmatically strive to enrich our understanding of the interconnectedness of our world through our commitment to examining the “Culture of Life”, the environment, peace, and global perspectives. The annual culmination of these efforts is our symposium. It is through our focus on these academic areas that Moeller empowers its students to embody the best of Marianist values. Please take a moment to examine our website so that you can get a better understanding of the scope and breadth of our academic program. If you have any questions, please contact anyone at Moeller High School and we would be glad to speak with you.


Just ADD German!

You have read the descriptions of the German courses and here is the video to show you what amazing things we do in German each day at Moeller!